At this point we have been back to school for almost 1 month, believe it or not, and we are adjusting well to the new teacher. Each week we are trying new things and challenging ourselves to become older, more principled students. This week we introduced a few new systems into our classroom.
2 new systems, our new calendar, and birthday list! |
The first system, seen on the left, are our class jobs. Every 2 days we change jobs so we can share the responsibilities with our classmates. Some of our jobs include things like paper or supplies managers, technology or library assistant, line leader, and more! The hope is that we can learn to be more principled and caring about our classroom, school, friends, and ourselves with these jobs.
The second system, on the left, is one that not only Ms. Hannah, but also other teachers like MR. Aidar or Ms. Azusa can use! If you have ever gotten the chance to be in our classroom when we are all here, or been outside with us, or maybe even just by ourselves at home, you will know that we LOVE to ask questions. We do it all the time - even when the teacher is trying to tell us something important! The fact that we are such great inquirers is wonderful, but sometimes we inquire too much, and we don't know what we are supposed to do, because we are too busy thinking of questions! This system helps us better remember what we are supposed to be doing.
Silence - means we are sitting in our seats quietly, listening to the teachers instructions and explanation, and waiting to see if she or he answers our questions before we ask.
On Topic Only - Means we can ask questions about the task at hand, or general questions about the subject or topic we are studying.
Ask Away! - means we can ask our teacher and our friends any question that comes to mind!
With our new system, hopefully we can still be inquirers, but also be able to follow directions!
Another thing we have in our class is our new and improved essential agreement. In case you don't know, the essential agreement are the rules we as a class have decided to follow. We know with these rules that if we break one, we risk getting clipped down on our behavior chart. We now each have our own list on our desk, so we can always remind ourselves if we need.
Additionally, this semester our main goal is to be more organized. As 4th graders, we are no longer considered the younger kids of the school, and we need to take increasing responsibility for ourselves and our things. But, this can be really hard! Especially at first, when we are still used to being told things. So, Ms. Hannah has a few things in places to help us.
1. The work corner. Each morning we put our homework here, and can see what our morning work is. At the end of the day, our homework is written here so we can remember it for ourselves. This system helps us, and Ms. Hannah.
2. We keep our desks clean. Mr. Ugur did not like us to keep anything in our desk, and Ms. Hannah is not much different. The only things we can have in our desks are our pencil cases, reading books, and files. Everything else must go in our cubby, or our subject baskets.
3. Speaking of files, this weekend we have been given the homework to get the files! Files were on the supplies list at the start of the year, so many of us already have files, but we have taken them home or misplaced them because we were not using them in an organized way. But now, we are going to be organized. We need to have a file - or a pocket in a big file - for each of our main subjects - Math, English, UOI, Japanese and also for our morning work. We also have to have a seperate folder for homework. This is the folder we will carry with us to and from school each day, with the homework inside, so we are less likely to lose it on the way.
Hopefully, with all these new systems, we will be able to be more organized, and continue to grow and become principled kids!
(P.S. If you did not get to see our ICF Argentina room, we are currently displaying some of it outside our classroom! Come take a look!)
Outside our class |
the room with cameo by Mr. James |