Last week was Sport's Day. Many parents got to come and see us perform, but not all our friends and family did. Also, no one but the teachers go to see all the practicing we did! So, let's look at all that we did.
First, for a few weeks, we prepared. Some of us worked with older students to create poems for the blue team and the orange team. Everyone was going to recite these poems on Sport's Day, so we tried hard to think of something good. We came up with the following...
Oranges are orange,
Blueberries are blue,
Sports day is fun and you know it’s true !
It’s time to have fun
Cheer for orange team and blue
Enjoy mom or dad
There are so many shades of blue
Different tones and different hues
The ocean is blue and the sky is too
Brides carry something blue when they say “I do”
What sort of blue are you?
We also had to learn a karate sequence, that we would perform with our team for points! We spent a lot of time during morning meeting, PSPE, and P.E. practicing, as well as some special assemblies where we practiced with the whole school.
It was a lot of practice, but that's because it was very confusing...Some of us probably still didn't do it right even at the end, but we tried our best. At AIS Osaka, we think it's more important to try our best than to be right all the time!
Finally, last Friday, we had sports day. We were divided into two teams - blue and orange - and we got a nice t-shirt in that color. This really made us look like a team!
Our first activity was the warm-up. Everyone warmed up all together with Mr. Soydan. It was really fun!
Then, we split into groups and showed everyone our brain and brawn - that is, we said our poem, and demonstrated our excellent Karate skills!
After this we took a short break while grades 1-3 did their event. Except for the relay, we always did things in grades 4-8. For us this was really exciting because it meant that we were not some of the big kids. As we like to say, we're half an adult now!
Our first event was the group jump rope. This is hard for anyone, but it was harder for us because we are new to it! The older kids went very fast, and sometimes we tried to, too! But for some of us this was too hard, so we decided to go slow and focus instead. In the end all of us were able to do it at sport's day, even if when we couldn't do it during practice. How awesome!
After the jump rope we had a race with our parents. It is called a 3-legged-race, and we each tied our ankle to our parents and hopped, ran, or walked to the edge of the gym and back. It was a relay race, so we tried to go as fast as we could so the next person could go. Even Ms. Hannah joined this!
The small race was fun, but it's the big race that we were most excited for. We practiced the relay race so hard! Sometimes we even decided to practice by ourselves during park time! The first race has Ms. Hannah and Alex in it, as well as Mr. Aider and Ms. Katherine. They ran SO FAST. But the best part is that Alex beat all of them! Alex beat all the adults!!
After that mostly students ran, and sometimes teachers too. It was really close, and everyone was cheering hard for everyone. In the end the teams tied! How crazy! All our practicing really worked.

After the relay we had a tug-a-war. First, all the students went. Then, all the teachers and parents went. Finally, everyone tried. It was CRAZY HARD. The rope was so strong and it burned our hands a little. But we did our best, just like we did in all the other games.
At the end, after all the events, we got together with out teams and listened to Mr. Ulu announce the winner. It was CLOSE 63 to 66. But the winner was....ORANGE TEAM.
Orange team was so excited, but also knew that blue team was disappointed. So after celebrating we went over and shook hands, telling them what a good job they had done. It is important to remember sportsmanship, even when you win. Maybe ESPECIALLY when you win.
Thanks to all the parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts,uncles, and friends who came to watch us! Because of you all we did our best, and had a great time!
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