Thursday 21 November 2019

Precious Outside Time

Spending Time Outside

As we get closer and closer to winter, grade 4 is trying to spend as much time outside before we can't do it anymore. Every Monday we share what we did that weekend, and we are encouraged to spend a little time outside too! It's important for us to enjoy some fresh air, run around, and let ourselves be free!

Park Time

Every day the it is not raining, too cold, or too hot, we go outside for some park time!


On Monday and Friday we have PSPE - Personal, Social, Physical Education - and we try to go to the park where we can play an organized game with students in grade 5, 6, 7 and 8!

Special Activities

Sometimes we get to go outside for special activities. This can be a walk to the library or, like this week, it can be going to the park to practice our observation and drawing skills!

Friday 15 November 2019

Sharing the Planet Debate

Sharing the Planet Debate

This  week 4th grade had it's first official debate. The topic was simple; which of the 3 types of resources is the best? Students prepared by reflecting on the topic the night before, and having a quick review session before splitting into groups. 

The Debate format was simple:
1 minute speeches from each team explaining their reasoning
preparation time
1 minute speeches attacking the other teams ideas
preparation time 
1 minute closing speech (aka most important point)
A group discussion 

You can watch a condensed version of the debate here!

A Day in 4th Grade