Sunday 3 February 2019

January Newsletter

Dear Parents,

This is my first entry, and as you can see, we have been very busy!  We have finished our unit on how humans have developed governments to establish order and have moved on to our new unit: how we express ourselves.

Here are some things that we have been studying in the month of January:


2-D shapes: triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons, nonogons
Quadrilaterals: parallelograms, trapezoids, rhombus, squares, rectangles, kites
3-D Shapes: spheres, cubes, prisms, pyramids, cones, cylinders, and many more

We have learned how to identify and categorize various shapes and recognize different features such as faces, edges and vertices.


We have been learning some new spelling words and making games to help better understand not only how to spell but also what each word means.  Students have explored some amazing ideas with some self reflection and creative writing.  There are some amazing imaginations in our class!


Types of government: monarchy, republic, democracy, anarchy, oligarchy, dictatorship and aristocracy.  We have talked about each one and many examples of comparing and contrasting.

Expectations from government: why we have governments and what the people want/need from them.  From helping out refugees to providing water for citizens, students have explored many ideas about what governments do for the people.

Creating a government and a world of their own: students have worked hard to create their own world and government.  From the worlds of Minecraft, Fairy Land, Moopoza and Splatoon, we have seen different governments in place and details about how they function and assist the population.  Each country is very unique and full of imagination.

Summative assessment: students used the information they created about their fictional country and government to create a pamphlet highlighting all the details of government and culture and how they work to help the people.

I'm looking forward to many new discoveries and connections with our new unit and will be posting again soon!

Ms. Katherine

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A Day in 4th Grade